The Pineville Porcupines are a Collegiate Summer Baseball Team in Pineville, North Carolina.
The Porcupines have two goals for bringing collegiate summer baseball to Pineville, they are long term player development and community. We want to host college baseball players in an environment that allows them to sharpen and improve their craft of baseball, character, and contributions to communities they will be involved in through their lives. We also want Porcupines baseball to allow for a greater sense of community by providing a safe and family friendly baseball entertainment venue.
The Pineville Porcupines look forward to their 5th season in 2025 and will be made up of college baseball players from around North Carolina, the United States, and other nations! This is the first of its kind in Pineville, NC. We bring high quality baseball while bringing our community together in a fun and friendly setting!
We hope to see you at the ballpark!